2017.08.29 서울대학교 (경영학박사)
2011.02.25 성균관대학교 (경영학사)
2024.05 ~ 2024.12 서울특별시 (산하 공공기관 경영평가위원)
2024.02 ~ 2024.03 문화체육관광부 (산하 한국예술종합학교 부속기관 경영평가위원)
2023.10 ~ 2023.10 방송통신위원회 (종편채널 재승인평가위원)
2023.04 ~ 2024.12 인천광역시 (산하 공공기관 경영평가위원)
2023.02 ~ 2024.12 경기도 (산하 공공기관 경영평가위원)
2022.04 ~ 2022.07 과학기술정보통신부 (데이터가치평가 자문위원)
2022.03 ~ 2022.12 기획재정부 (공공기관 경영평가위원)
2021.03 ~ 2024.12 한국소비자원 (CCM 평가위원)
2021.03 ~ 2021.12 기획재정부 (공공기관 경영평가위원)
2019.12 ~ 2021.12 대한민국 관세청 (보세판매장(면세점) 특허심사위원)
2011.03 ~ 2018.02 서울대학교 생산관리연구실 (연구원)
Strategy Divergence and Performance Polarization in the Hotel Industry, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly , 제66권(집) , 제1호 , PP.21~36 , 2025.02.01
전세사기 예방을 위한 교육용 보드게임 개발: 전세계약 핵심 체크리스트를 기반으로, 서비스경영학회지 , 제25권(집) , 제4호 , PP.120~148 , 2024.11.30
COVID-19 이후 서비스 산업 효율성 및 생산성 변화 측정 연구, 한국생산관리학회지 , 제35권(집) , 제4호 , PP.381~392 , 2024.11.30
The Effects of Homegrown Rule on Efficiency of Sports Teams: Evidence from the English Premier League, Service Science , 제16권(집) , 제3호 , 2024.09.01
위기 속에 더 크게 펼쳐진 대한항공의 새로운 날개 - 조원태 회장의 WINGS 리더십, Korea Business Review , 제28권(집) , 제3호 , PP.23~40 , 2024.08.31
THE INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF MARITIME LOGISTICS EFFICIENCY FOR 29 MAJOR COASTAL COUNTRIES, International Journal of Transport Economics , 제51권(집) , 제1-2호 , PP.37~64 , 2024.06.01
Combining bootstrap data envelopment analysis with social networks for rank discrimination and suitable potential benchmarks, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 제312권(집) , 제1호 , PP.283~297 , 2024.01.01
Is There a Difference in Innovation Performance Depending on the Investment in Each Stage of Development Process? Evidence From Medical Device Industry, IEEE Access , 제11권(집) , 2023.08.30
The relationship between climate and energy consumption: The case of South Korea, Energy Sources Part A-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects , 제45권(집) , 제3호 , PP.6456~6471 , 2023.08.01
Measuring Local Economy Efficiency With Two-Stage Bootstrap DEA, International Journal of Software Innovation , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , 2022.10.04
Are all CSR Activities in Your SNS Authentic? The Antecedents and Outcomes of Consumer Perceived Authenticity of CSR, SAGE Open , 제12권(집) , 제4호 , 2022.10.01
Product and service innovation: Comparison between performance and efficiency, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge , 제7권(집) , 제3호 , 2022.07.01
A Study on the Relationship Between Government Regulations and Innovation Efficiency in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry, International Journal of Software Innovation , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , 2022.05.26
Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Hotel Efficiency Analysis: An Approach Based on Data Envelopment Analysis , Cornell Hospitality Quarterly , 제63권(집) , 제2호 , PP.257~266 , 2022.05.01
Disproving the Sophomore Slump Using Data Envelopment Analysis—Focusing on English Premier League’s 2014/2015 to 2018/2019 Seasons, International Journal of Sport Finance , 제17권(집) , 제1호 , PP.3~17 , 2022.02.01
COVID-19 and Hotel Productivity Changes: An Empirical Analysis Using Malmquist Productivity Index, Service Science , 제13권(집) , 제4호 , PP.243~257 , 2021.12.31
Evaluating the efficiency of Korean festival tourism and its determinants on efficiency change: Parametric and non-parametric approaches, TOURISM MANAGEMENT , 제86권(집) , 2021.10.01
A study on healthcare supply chain management efficiency: using bootstrap data envelopment analysis, Health Care Management Science , 제22권(집) , 제3호 , PP.534~548 , 2019.09.01
Does Information from the Higher Education and R&D Institutes Improve the Innovation Efficiency of Logistic Firms?, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics , 제35권(집) , 제1호 , PP.70~76 , 2019.03.20
Optimal baggage sorting rule to reduce waiting time in baggage claim, Service Business , 제12권(집) , 제2호 , PP.435~451 , 2018.06.01
Multi-Period efficiency and productivity changes in global Automobile: A VRS-VRM and SML productivity index approach, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS , 제86권(집) , PP.77~86 , 2017.11.01
Measuring the operational efficiency of individual theme park attractions, SPRINGERPLUS , 제5권(집) , 2016.06.01
Surviving in the Red Ocean: measuring factors for business excellence among coffee franchises in Korea, TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT BUSINESS EXCELLENCE , 제27권(집) , PP.761~774 , 2016.01.01
인사이트 있는 특별한 고객경험전략: 모든 것이 경험이다 고객이 몰입하는 경험 디자인, KMAC , 2023.05.08
생산운영관리, McGrawHill , 2021.01.05
물과 가치(Value of water), 오름디자인기획 , 2020.12.01
공급사슬관리 5판(Principles of Supply Chain Management 5th edition: A Balanced Approach), 한경사 , 2020.02.25
계량적 사고와 의사결정과학 1판(Quantitative Thinking and Decision Science): Operations Research and Management Science Workbook, 인천대학교 출판부 , 2018.09.03